Is it possible to get a shiny zekrom in white

for how to get shiny zekrom/reshiram.... for how to get shiny zekrom/reshiram....
Shiny Zekrom Black 2
Shiny Zekrom Mystery Gift Is it possible to get a level 9 Zekrom,.
But Kaphotics, isn't there someone on 2ch who posted a battle screenshot with Zekrom? That's impossible if there really is a shiny check, is it not?
A LIRE IMPERATIVEMENT ! READ THE DESCRIPTION ! Hi everyone, at the request of several people, I try to explain how to hunt shiny Zekrom or Reshiram, in
Action Replay Code for Zekrom Zekrom pokedex: stats, moves, evolution &.
Is it possible to get a shiny zekrom in white
Pokédex entry for #644 Zekrom containing stats, moves learned, evolution chain, location and more!
I'm going to be getting Pokemon White and this question just came up in my head :3 In other Pokemon games such as Platinum, Diamond, Pearl, ETC I've caught shiny
Shiny Zekrom! No idea what nature is it hahaha And my team.
No, it is not true. whoever was telling you this was likely pulling your leg because according to a few sources, it's not possible to get Shiny Zekrom (or Reshiram
(TUTO) Hunt Shiny Reshiram/Zekrom on.
Is it possible to get a shiny zekrom in white
Is It Possible To Get A Shiny Starter.Zekrom pokedex: stats, moves, evolution &.
From the research and attempt: I've seen that the dragonspiral tower "trick" does not work. The problem is that Zekrom and Reshiram are both equipped with a shiny check.
Shiny Zekrom? - Pokemon White Version.

You can a level 5 tornadus,thunderus, and landerous, if you Dream radar and cacth them at lvl 5 if you have no bagdes in black/white2 which you can trade to black/white.